Name: Chiung-Fen Chang |
Research Description |
1. Electrochemical Oxidation |
Name: Yu-Ling Wei |
Research Description |
my researches mainly focus on two topics, namely photocatalytic decontamination and waste recycling technology. The details are as follows: |
Name: Ho-Wen Chen |
Research Description |
Due to rapid economic development and population growth and migration, these critical environmental engineering infrastructures have evolved into highly coupled and interacting, or interdependent networks and systems - through complex physical, natural resource, cyber, information, geographic, human, social, and logical connections. For these reasons, the aim of my research is to incorporate the convergent technology to fulfill the resilient and sustainable goals in planning, management and operation of these interdependent environmental infrastructures. My research is multidisciplinary in dealing with large-scale complex environmental and water resources systems leading to expand the theoretical frameworks for understanding the physical, chemical, and biological processes, and conduct modeling, simulation, and optimization of interdependent infrastructure systems at multiple time scales. |
Name: Wei-Yea Chen |
Research Description |
1. Landfill siting using geographic information system |
Name: Meng-Hau Sung |
Research Description |
My research focuses broadly on the mass transfer processes and chemical reactions in soil, groundwater, and wastewater. |
Name: Chi-Yu Huang |
Research Description |
Thermophilic anaerobic bacteria physiology, Biomass energy, Biohydrogen/methane production |
Name: Hsion-Wen, David Kuo |
Research Description |
1. Environmental virology |
Name: Shiue-Lin Li |
Research Description |
1. Electromicrobiology |
Name: Guan-Yu Lin Title: Assis. Professor Tel: 04-23590121 ext. 33606 E-mail: Degree/Institution: Ph.D., Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Chiao Tung University Specialty: Aerosol technology; Air quality monitoring; Numerical modeling Courses Offered:Fluid Mechanics; Implementation of Fluid mechanics; Principle of Environmental Physicochemistry Link: |
High efficiency air pollution control system development Nanoparticle control technology Numerical modeling for environmental engineering Big data analysis and PM2.5 sensors application |
Name: Webber Wei-Po Lai Title: Assis. Professor Tel: 04-23590121 ext. 33609 E-mail: Degree/Institution: Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University Specialty: Trace analysis, Environmental fate and transformation of organic pollutants, photochemical reaction, photocatalytic reaction and advanced oxidation process Courses Offered: Environmental Engineering; Environmental Statistics Link: Link: |
Research Description | My research interests focus on the issues of emerging contaminants (a.k.a. chemicals of emerging concerns) in aquatic environments, including trace analysis, environmental fate and development of novel green treatment technologies for water sustainability. The specific focuses include analytical method establishment, reaction kinetics and mechanism study and the applicability of the treatment systems. |